Dr. Felicia Goodman
Hear It From Me
B.S. in Cell & Molecular Biology from Tulane University
Ph.D. in Human Ecology / Nutrition from Louisiana State University
M.A.T. in Secondary Science Education from Georgia State University
Magnet Course Taught:​
Medical Science
Essentials of Biotechnology
Number of Years Teaching:​
3 years at the high school level
6 years at the collegiate level
Interests & Hobbies​:
Cooking and baking, hiking, gardening, reading, learning languages, fountain pens and ink, anime, video games, and manga
Interesting facts about myself:
I play the violin, and Scrabble is my favorite board game.
I have lived on all three coasts (i.e. Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf) of the United States.
My Favorite Quote(s):​
Ben Zoma says: Who is wise? He who learns from every person. (Pirkei Avot 4:1)